Mariengymnasium im Sommer

Das Mariengymnasium im Sommer


We have been developing JSN Epic for more then 2 years and that tremendous amount of time allowed us to roll out some really advanced stuff. For us, the word “advanced” is not just fancy marketing buzz, but really something that you will not likely see anywhere else.

Mobile Ready

JSN Epic provides special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices such as iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.

Read more about mobile support

Easy to Start

JSN Epic provides unique mechanism of installing sample data on directly your current website. Just few clicks and the demo website is here.

Read more about sample data

Template Parameters

JSN Epic provides over 40 template parameters for super flexible template configuration. All parameters are nicely arranged in multiple sections in template settings page for easy access.

Read more about template parameters

Flash Gallery

The flash gallery you see on this website is cool product JSN ImageShow. Designed to present photos, you can use this product to show either professional photo portfolio or your family album.

Read more about JSN ImageShow



CSS/JS Compression

This is our new efforts in templates performance optimization. What it does is to combine all CSS/JS files into a single file and deliver it in GZIP compressed state to browser.

Read more about CSS/JS compression

SEO & Accessibility

JSN Epic has some great features to improve your website visibility to search engines and audience with disabilities. Everything is controlled by template parameters.

Read more about SEO & accessibility support

Docs & Support

JSN Epic is equipped with very comprehensive documentation package of quick start video and PDF documents that you can print and read at convenience.

Read more about docs & support

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Freitag, 17. Juni 2011 19:37



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Anstehende Termine

Keine aktuellen Veranstaltungen.

Informationen für Grundschuleltern

In dem Flyer "Start in Klasse 5" finden Sie Informationen zu den Wahlmöglichkeiten am Mariengymnasium.



Die iServ-Nutzungsvereinbarung kann hier heruntergeladen werden:



Comenius-ProjektDas Mariengymnasium ist als einziges Bocholter Gymnasium als "Europaschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen" zertifiziert.



CertiLingua-ExzellenzlabelSeit 2010 ist das Mariengymnasium berechtigt das "CertiLingua-Exzellenzlabel für mehrsprachige, europäische und internationale Kompetenzen" zu verleihen.



Comenius-ProjektDas zweite Erasmus+-Projekt mit dem Titel "Women here and there - European women today" wurde 2022 beendet.



Native RTL SupportDas Mariengymnasium beteiligt sich als Mitglied im Netzwerk Zukunftsschulen NRW aktiv an der Entwicklung neuer Ideen zur Sicherung des individuellen Lern- und Bildungserfolgs.
